Choosing the Right Sieve Filter for Your Needs: A Buyer’s Guide

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Are you struggling with email overload? Imagine if you could magically filter your emails and only read the ones that mattered. Say no more. Enter Sieve, the programming language that makes filtering emails a cakewalk. 

Whether you want to label certain senders or block spam, Sieve is here to make your life easier. 

So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of sieve email filtering. 

What is Sieve?

The beauty of Sieve is that it’s simple yet mighty. You don’t need to have a Ph.D. in programming to navigate it – a basic understanding of HTML is all you need. 

In essence, the Sieve script filters your emails based on certain criteria and parameter listings you set. It’s like a personalized assistant that sorts through your mailbox, so you don’t have to. 

Want to send emails from your boss to a separate folder? Sieve has got your back. 

How about marking emails from family members as high priority? Say no more.

To make filtering emails more efficient, Sieve uses a set of standard rules called extensions. They define specific email filters such as subject, body, sender, and recipient. You can write your custom rules or use existing ones. Sieve supports both simple and complex conditions. 

For instance, if you want to flag emails with attachments over 2MB from a particular domain, you can quickly code that using Sieve.

If you’re wondering where Sieve comes from, it’s not some obscure technology from the future. Sieve has been around since the early 2000s and is a part of the SIEVE project, an open-source standard for email filtering.

It’s supported by most email servers and clients, including Dovecot, Cyrus, Roundcube, and Thunderbird. Sieve is not tied to any specific email provider, so you can use it wherever you go.

Perhaps, one of the coolest features of Sieve is how customizable it is. 

With Sieve, you control how emails flow into your mailbox. You can chain rules to build complex filters or stack simple ones to create conditional statements. Sieve’s flexibility makes it possible to create advanced filters without much effort. 

For instance, You can add logic to your rules, such as “if email contains ‘urgent’ in the subject, mark as high priority and forward to my phone.”

If you’re still hesitant about using Sieve, let’s go over some benefits. 

First, it saves time. 

With Sieve, you don’t waste time sifting through unwanted emails. It also reduces clutter in your inbox. All the emails are neatly sorted into different folders or labeled accordingly. 

Finally, it’s customizable. You can tailor your filters to suit your unique email needs. In summary, Sieve is a game-changer for anyone who wants to take back control of their inbox.

What Can I Do With Sieve?

At its core, Sieve is an email filtering language that allows you to create rules that sort your emails automatically. Think of it as a personal assistant that reads your emails for you and puts them in the right folders. 

Sieve is supported by many email clients, including Gmail, Outlook, and Thunderbird. It’s an open-source software, which means that anyone can use it, modify it, and contribute to its development.

But how can Sieve help you manage your email? Here are five things you can do with Sieve that will save you time and reduce email clutter:

Create Custom Filters

With Sieve, you can create filters that match specific criteria in your incoming emails. For example, you can create a filter that sorts all emails from your boss to a “high-priority” folder. 

Or, you can create a filter that sends all emails that contain the word “meeting” to a “meetings” folder (using “fileinto”). Sieve email filtering even lets you examine the file names and MIME types of attachments. 

Automatically Reply to Emails

Sieve allows you to create auto-responses to emails based on specific rules. For instance, you can set up an automatic reply to all emails that come from a certain email address. This can come in handy if you’re on vacation or out of the office.

Forward Emails to Other Addresses

If you receive emails that need to be forwarded to someone else, Sieve can do it for you automatically. You can create filters that forward emails based on specific criteria. For example, you can forward all emails from a particular client to your assistant.

Delete Unwanted Emails

Sieve can help you get rid of unwanted emails by automatically deleting them. You can create filters that delete emails based on specific criteria, such as sender, subject, or body. This will help you keep your inbox clean and avoid email overload.

Organize Emails

With Sieve, you can create a hierarchy of folders that reflect your email workflow. You can create folders for different clients, projects, or departments. This will help you organize your emails and find them quickly when you need them.

A person on their phone.

Sieve Filtering for Individual Mailboxes

Sieve filtering is a fantastic tool for managing your mailbox, from sorting your personal emails by sender to grouping similar topics for easier access. But, before you choose a specific filter, you need to consider the criteria for sorting. Factors to consider include:

  • Sender email address
  • Email subject lines
  • Specific keywords within the email body

Once you identify these criteria, create a “rule” on your email account that sorts the emails into the desired mailbox. 

For example, if you want to sort emails from your boss into a separate folder, create a rule where all emails from their email address go directly to the designated folder. Voila, no more digging through piles of emails to find what you need!

Sieve Filtering for a Domain Name 

Now, let’s talk about sieve filtering for domain names. Once you set up your domain email accounts, you can use sieve filters to help direct emails to specific accounts. 

A few of the most common sieve filters for domains include:

  • One mailbox for all emails
  • A designated mailbox for each user
  • A mailbox for each department

To set up these filters, start by creating email aliases for each account. Then, create a sieve filter that directs the email to the correct designated mailbox, based on the filter criteria. With this setup, you can ensure that emails are sent to the correct person or department every time.

Best Sieve Tools to Consider

There are plenty of sieve filtering tools available, and it’s important to choose one that fits your needs. Here are a few popular ones to consider.


If you’re looking for an open-source sieve filtering tool with robust filtering capabilities, you need to check out Procmail. This tool can filter your emails based on different criteria, such as sender, subject, and content.

It also has a wide range of actions you can set up after the email is filtered, such as deleting, forwarding, or moving it to another folder.


Dovecot is another open-source mail server that features a sieve filtering tool. 

This tool is integrated with the Dovecot email server, and it works seamlessly with it, allowing you to filter your emails as they arrive. Dovecot supports different filtering actions, including forwarding, rejecting, and redirecting emails to specific folders.


If you’re someone who accesses email accounts from different devices, you need a web-based email client. Roundcube is one such email client that comes with a built-in sieve filtering tool. 

This filter works in a similar way to other sieve filtering tools, but it’s integrated into the email client, so you can access or edit it from any device with internet access.


MailWasher is a multi-platform email spam filtration tool that helps you manage your email, mainly by reducing spam. With this tool, you can view all your emails on the server before downloading them to your inbox. 

That way, you can select and delete unnecessary emails or send them to the spam folder, leaving only the important ones for maximum functionality. 

A person on their computer.

How to Write Your Own Sieve Filter

The first step to creating your Sieve filter system is deciding on the criteria you want your filter to be based on. 

For instance, you might want to filter out spam or promotional emails, or you might want to redirect emails from a particular sender to a specific folder. Once you have decided on the criteria, you can start writing your filter.

To create your Sieve filter, you will need to use a text editor such as Notepad or Atom. The filter has a specific syntax that you need to follow to ensure it works correctly. The syntax for the Sieve filter uses a set of commands and variables to build the filtering rule. 

You could begin with learning some of the basic pre-filter syntax elements like if, else, require, etc.

Here are some examples

From a certain sender address: 

require [“fileinto”, “mailbox”];

if address “From” “”


    fileinto :create “INBOX.blabla”;


To avoid treating a message as spam if the address is whitelisted:

require [“fileinto”, “mailbox”, “regex”];

if allof


        header :contains “X-Spam-Level” “*********”,

        not header :regex “X-TigerTech-Spam-Status” “sender [[:graph:]]+ whitelisted”



    fileinto :create “INBOX.Spam”;

To flag a message from a certain sender so it’s highlighted in the inbox of an IMAP mail server:

require [“imap4flags”];

if address “From” “”


   setflag “\\Flagged”;


Once you have written your Sieve filter, it’s important to test it to make sure that it works correctly. You could test your filter by sending a test email and checking if it was filtered according to your criteria. If it works correctly, you can implement the filter on your email system and start enjoying the benefits of having a customized filter.

Creating a Sieve filter is not a one-time task since your filtering requirements may evolve, and new criteria or rules may be added. As such, it’s important to periodically review your Sieve filter and make revisions to ensure it is working optimally. You could also optimize your filters using other programming concepts like loops or regular expressions.

How to Add a Sieve Filter

After you have your code written, you’ll need to upload it to your email service. Again, this process will vary depending on your provider, so be sure to do some research to ensure you follow the correct steps. 

Once your filter is uploaded and running, you’ll start to see a major difference in your inbox. All of your emails will be neatly organized into folders, making it easy to find what you need quickly.

Sekur‘s implementation of Sieve filtering offers a variety of features that can help you better manage your inbox. It’s Swiss-hosted, so you don’t have to worry about privacy, either.

For example, you can set up rules to automatically move emails to specific folders, mark emails as read or unread, delete emails based on certain criteria, and more. The possibilities are almost endless, and the best part is that you have complete control over how your emails are sorted and managed.

The Takeaway

Now that you know the benefits of using a Sieve filter, you can take steps to implement it in your life. 

Not only will it save you time, but it will also lessen the burden of email overload that many of us struggle with. Sieve filtering can help reduce clutter and make it easier to find specific emails. You can create folders for certain types of emails, such as newsletters or receipts, and ensure that they’re always in the right place. 

Overall, Sieve filtering is all about making your inbox work for you, rather than the other way around.

With some research, some technical knowledge, and a little bit of patience, you can have a streamlined inbox that will make your life much more manageable. 

By prioritizing your emails, reducing clutter, and giving you complete control over how your messages are sorted, Sieve filtering can help make your email management a breeze. 

And with Sekur‘s easy-to-use interface, you don’t need to be a programming genius to get started. So why not give it a try? 

Don’t let your inbox control you – take control of it!

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